At the center of our values is fun, and in addition to that, we want to be brave, honest, caring and make sure that everything goes smoothly. We want to be transparent in all our activities. We care about coffee, our employees and our customers. We believe that by acting on the basis of our values, we can serve our customers in the best possible way.
In today's world, this is already obvious for most companies, and that's fine, but let's say it now: responsibility and transparency are very important values for us. When it comes to making coffee, we think "good" and "responsible" are inseparable.
Transparency is one of our most important principles and that is why we have published the raw coffee prices for everyone to see since 2017.
The FOB or "Free On Board" price is paid for fully processed raw coffee and it includes, in addition to the coffee, transportation and handling within the producer country.
Kaffa Handshake
Kaffa Handshake is our purchasing philosophy, which guides us in sourcing and purchasing better coffee. Kaffa intends to form long relationships with producers in order for us to be a key part of a sustainable coffee ecosystem.
We aim to visit as many of our coffee suppliers as needed to gain a deeper understanding. These visits enable us to inform our customers about being a part of this sustainable coffee ecosystem, bring them the real story of how these excellent coffees were produced and so we can understand what constitutes a fair price, enabling us to source coffees more efficiently and sustainably.
We are committed to paying a price for coffee that, relative to the local price level, enables farmers and their workers to live well. The transparency of our purchasing prices is proof of this commitment.
By favoring long-term relationships with farmers, we give them the ability to anticipate demand and trust that high quality will always be rewarded with a good price. Long relationships often also ensure that we receive the highest quality coffee beans from the farm. Fortunately, we don’t have to choose between quality and sustainability – at Kaffa, they always go hand in hand.
Sustainable Development Goals
Kaffa Roastery Oy is committed to supporting the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in its operations. All of the 17 goals are important but we want to emphasise our attention to the following goals which we feel Kaffa is able to contribute to the best.
12 - Responsible Consumption And Production
- We promote responsible production by continuously looking for new methods to reduce and reuse. We have been using our reusable barrels for coffee with B2B customers since 2019 to reduce plastic waste and contribute to circular economy solutions
- Ethical sourcing and transparent trade practices, including publishing our FOB coffee prices is of vital importance to Kaffa Roastery
- We have a newly formed collaboration with VG - port to recycle 100% of our coffee grounds from the bar / production into soil - minimising waste and promoting sustainable use of resources
- We have partnerships with food waste initiatives such as RESQ club and Fiksuruoka to reduce food loss
13 - Climate Action
- We have been actively choosing suppliers with sustainability measures in place, for example we use Cupbio's take away cups that are 100% biodegradable and made in Finland
- Setting emission reduction targets with Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi) to ensure globally recognised standard of calculating and reducing emissions - to mitigate our impacts on climate change
- Choosing renewable energy sources along the value chain, production and distribution, to reduce emissions and impact. This aligns with efforts to combat climate change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions
- Kaffa Roastery supports the transition to clean energy by utilising renewable energy sources: biogas for roasting, 100% renewable electricity and recycled heating
- A2B - transportation and distribution also using renewable sources (biogas, electric vehicles)
15 - Life On Land
- We support and continue our long standing cooperation (2016) with Fazenda Pinhal - making up 23% share of all purchased beans (2023) from carbon positive farm which is awarded most sustainable coffee farm in Brazil
- Rainforest Alliance certification validates our ethical principles with suppliers
- Organic coffee certificate ensures that we are taking correct measures in our processes and assures organic practices
Sustainability stories (FI)
Kaffa joins the Science Based Targets initiative!
Lue lisääWe’re excited to announce that Kaffa has officially joined the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi)! This marks another milestone in our journey towards creating a more sustainable future for our business and the planet.
Hävikkivinkkejä kahvista
Lue lisääHävikkiviikon kunniaksi keräsimme muutaman vinkin, joilla kahvihävikkiä voi välttää tai vähentää ja syntynyttä hävikkiä jatkojalostaa. Ota vinkit käyttöön!
AINA-kahveilla on nyt Rainforest Alliance -sertifikaatti
Lue lisääRainforest Alliance -sertifikaatin myötä saamme kolmannen osapuolen varmistuksen sille, että ostamamme kahvit ovat vastuullisemmin tuotettuja.
Vuoden 2023 FOB hinnat ja vastuullisuustekoja
Lue lisääRainforest Alliance -sertifikaatin myötä saamme kolmannen osapuolen varmistuksen sille, että ostamamme kahvit ovat vastuullisemmin tuotettuja.
Meillä kävi odotettu vieras Brasiliasta!
Lue lisääPitkäaikainen kahvikaverimme Brasiliasta, Pedro Gabarra, tuli käymään ja kertoi samalla uusimpia terveisiä tilaltaan! Järjestimme samalla useamman Kaffa Handshake Event -tapahtuman asiakkaillemme.
Kokapensaan varjosta kahvin viljelyyn - valoisa muutos Kolumbian maaseudulla
Lue lisääKolumbian maaseudulla kokapensaan viljelystä on vähitellen siirrytty kahvin viljelyyn. Muutos ei ole ollut helppo ja se on tuonut mukanaan omia haasteita viljelijöille.
Työntekijöiden terveiset Brasilian vastuullisimmalta kahvitilalta
Lue lisääOlemme ylpeitä siitä, että yhteistyömme Pedro Gabarran kanssa on jatkunut jo yli 10 vuotta! Hän pitää Brasiliassa kahvitilaa, joka on valittu koko maan vastuullisimmaksi useaan otteeseen
Uudet suojat helpottavat papujen kuivatusta Kolumbian pienillä kahvitiloilla
Lue lisääVesisade auttaa kahvinviljelyssä vähentämällä tuholaisia. Runsaat sateet ovat kuitenkin haitanneet Kolumbian sadonkorjuuta viime vuosina.
Sesonkikahvimme on nyt luomua!
Lue lisääIloisia uutisia! Toteutimme asiakkaidemme toiveen lisäämällä valikoimaamme mehevän ja talven hämärässä ihanasti maistuvan luomukahvin.
Kaltoinkohdellut linnut pääsevät vapauteen Pedron kahvitilalla
Lue lisääKahvinviljelijä Pedro Gabarra ja hänen sisarensa Mariana tekevät osansa lintujen tulevaisuuden puolesta kuntouttamalla ja vapauttamalla lintuja takaisin luontoon.
Uudelleenkäytettävät kahvitynnyrit vähentävät pakkausjätettä
Lue lisääVuonna 2018 Kaffalla aloitettiin kokeilu, jonka tarkoituksena oli vähentää pakkausjätettä ja kehittää yhä kestävämpiä tapoja nauttia kahvia. Kokeilun tuloksena syntyi kahvitynnyri-ohjelma.